Wednesday 7 January 2009

Celebrating the “Tighty Whitie” at International Jock

There’s just something about a hot guy in a pair of tight white briefs that drives a lot of people wild.


White  briefs (or tighty whities) have been popularized by Calvin Klein ads in Times Square, by Tom Cruise dancing around in tighty whities in Risky Business and by David Beckham in his white Giorgio Armani briefs.


And in spite of the fact that men’s underwear is now available in a rainbow of wild colors, prints and styles, white briefs remain one of the most popular and enduring styles at International JockInternational Jock 


International Jock  has one of the largest selections of men’s briefs modeled by the hottest guys anywhere. We hope you enjoy their photographic “tip of the hat” to the tighty whitie – an erotic homage highlighting some of their best shots from the last couple of years of guys in white briefs.

tighty4 tighty5

tighty6 tighty7

tighty8 tighty9

tighty10 tighty11


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