Friday 2 May 2008

Model of The Week : Jeff Hartford

Jeff is new to the modeling world having less than a year of experience, but he has been receiving excellent feedback from photographers as well as the public. However, he’s a bit shy contemplating the idea that he has fans. “I would honestly say I’m shocked if I have any fans – but thanks if you are a fan of mine!”

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This model and athlete has played a variety of sports including football, baseball and even gymnastics, but at this point he’s more interested in his training. “Some of my life goals are to continue modeling and training, but I’d also like to eventually own a gym. I was lucky enough to always know what I wanted to do with my career.” Since Jeff is in the gym nonstop, it’s easy to see how he acquired the amazing body he has today.


When Jeff isn’t in the gym, he’s typically spending time with his family and friends. “The love and support of my family is what really inspires me to achieve my goals.” You can also find him on the golf course or playing baseball. “I love sports and I like to be involved in them.” Jeff has been with his fiancé for seven years and he loves watching movies and relaxing with her.

You can see more of Jeff on his page at On Display Men Here

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